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Board Governance & Goals Information

The LVUSD Board of Trustees is the publicly-elected deliberative body for Lucerne Valley Unified School District.  They represent community and business leaders for Lucerne Valley, and serve as direct representation of the interests of the community and public.

Board of Trustees meetings are conducted to resolve issues around the District including the concerns of the administration, faculty, staff, parents, students, and the community at large.  The Board of Trustees are assembled to meet at least once per month during the school year and at certain functions such as school assemblies and graduation ceremonies.

Board members are entitled to monthly compensation in the form of a stipend that is based on current district enrollment, as provided for in Education Code 35120.  Under current enrollment, the stipend total is $120 per month.  Board members are also entitled to receive health and welfare benefits that shall be no greater than that received by the district's non-safety employees with the most generous schedule of benefits. (Government Code 53208.5) (BB 9250)

Board President Chelsea LaGrange
  Email: [email protected]
Vice President Jason Hansen
  Email: [email protected]
Clerk Tom Courtney
  Email: [email protected]
Member Jim Harvey
  Email: [email protected]
Member Jessica Risler
  Email: [email protected]
Sunshine Policy BB 9009
Board Goals


Student Achievement through a rich and varied curriculum: All learners will experience a challenging and relevant learning environment that will prepare them for the future.

A) All board decisions related to student achievement shall adhere to the objectives of the board approved Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP).


Community Relations: Lucerne Valley Unified School District will support and encourage every community member to invest in our children’s future and build shared ownership and participation in our school district through:

A) Seeking community involvement and considering the community a partner in all efforts to educate the students of Lucerne Valley.
  1. The board will accomplish this by encouraging board members to attend local community meetings representing the district and participating as necessary.
  2. Encourage community participation at District Board meetings.
  3. Promote a clear message about positive District activities regularly through the local press.

Budget and Finance: Lucerne Valley Unified School District will develop and implement a financial management system that ensures the highest levels of fiscal responsibility.

A) Board members will work towards a better understanding of the financial system in an intelligent manner. The Board needs to have an understanding of all aspects of budgeting.

B) Ensure that all decisions are supported by our LCAP including:
  1. Long range budget planning that includes a balanced budget over a three year period.
  2. Thoughtful review of all practices to ensure long term sustainability.
  3. Budget planning which is student centered.
  4. Transparent budgeting processes.
  5. Board members will play an active role in the development of the annual budget and LCAP.


Specific to members of the Board of Education: The Lucerne Valley Unified School District will hold itself to the highest standard possible out of respect to the school and community that we serve.


A) Embracing technology; the board will demonstrate its commitment to technology by utilizing it to perform regular board functions and by promoting its use throughout the District.


B) Adhere to board policies regarding board member responsibility and commitments specific to attendance at board meeting and other board related functions.


C) Board members will actively participate in available training of best governance practices in order to make best decisions for students, staff, and the community.


D) Board members will strive to be respectful of differing ideas, opinions, and votes of fellow Board members.
The Board will strive to promote transparency in all decision making, thereby protecting the public's interest in open government and ensuring the governance process is visible.
A)  The Board will maintain a policy relating to transparency and make that policy easily accessible (Board Bylaw 9009).
B)  The Board will keep honesty, integrity, and openness priorities in the exercise of district governance in an effort to effectively and efficiently make decisions that serve the needs and interests of the community.