Current Agenda
Online Agenda
This only includes the latest Agenda for the Current Meeting. Supplemental documents are included and available to download separate of the rest of the Agenda Packet. This is ideal for those who prefer low-bandwidth viewing or a quick look at the Agenda Items. Supplemental documents are made with PDF copies or Microsoft Office apps, so if you can’t view the attachments, you will need a reader to open the files (such as
Adobe Acrobat Reader DC, Microsoft’s Word Viewer or Excel Viewer).
For past agendas, please refer to Board Media.
Agenda Packet
AGENDA PACKET(S) | January 9, 2024, at 5:30 PM at Lucerne Valley Unified Board Room. |
Agenda Packets contain the following:
- Agenda for the Current Meeting.
- Supplements, which may or may not include:
- Minutes from past meetings under consideration for approval.
- Attachments to Agenda Items, such as handouts, reports, documents, and charts when available at the time of publication.
- Batch Report of District Payments
- Weekly Cash Position Report
- Pending and New Business Evidence (Forms and Documents for consideration)
Agenda Packets are in PDF format, with a typical packet being over 200 pages and approximately 5-10MB in size.