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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held at the Lucerne Valley Unified School District Governing Board’s regular meeting scheduled for March 13, 2025, at 5:30 p.m. For additional information about the meeting, please see the District’s Agenda Online web page at

NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this public hearing is regarding an increase of Developer Fees on residential development and commercial/industrial development. The proposed Developer Fee increase complies with the January 24, 2024, action taken by the State Allocation Board ("SAB"), pursuant to Government Code section 65995, wherein SAB adjusted the maximum Level 1 Developer Fees effective January 2024 Specifically, SAB increased the Residential Fee from $4.79 per square foot to $5.17 per square foot, and the Commercial/ Industrial Fee from $0.78 to $0.84 per square foot of covered and enclosed space within the perimeter of a commercial or industrial structure.

The data upon which the District will rely in making its determination to increase its Developer Fees will be available for public review beginning on March 3, 2025. At the public hearing, the Governing Board will consider a resolution to adjust the fees.

Pursuant to Government Code section 6062(a), this notice will be published in Victorville Daily Press on February 23, 2025 and March 2, 2025.