Employees Recognized For Years of Service

LVUSD staff members who have passed significant years of service milestones 10 years, 20 years and 30 years were recognized at the annual Welcome Back Breakfast on Thursday, August 1 in the Sgt. Brian Walker Memorial Gymnasium at Lucerne Valley High School.
30 years
Four staff members were recognized for serving the Lucerne Valley USD for 30 years. From left to right, Leigh Hannon, Cindy Lattin-Oliveira, Matthew Roehl, and Troy Van Bavel.

30 Years of Service
Leigh Hannon
Cindy Lattin-Oliveira
Matthew Roehl
Troy Van Bavel
10 years
Five employees were recognized for 10 years of service with the school district. They are, from left, Brandon Barkley, Destany Cagle, Zandra Miller, Amanda Nichols, and Micah Rowland.
10 Years of Service
Brandon Barkley
Destany Cagle
Zandra Miller
Amanda Nichols
Micah Rowland
5 years
Eight staff members were recognized for five years of service: Melissa Banuelos-Almodovar, Derek Chip, Jeraldin Herrera, Chyna Hite, Sara Koons, Jacqueline Lopez, Kimberly Snow and Carley Stiles.
5 Years of Service
Melissa Banuelos-Almodovar
Derek Chip
Jeraldin Herrera
Chyna Hite
Sara Koons
Jacqueline Lopez
Kimberly Snow
Carley Stiles