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School District Stakeholders Invited To Take LCAP Survey

The state of California requires each school district to create a Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) annually. This is a document that is created with input from all stakeholders as a plan for educating and supporting all students. We are currently revising the LCAP and are now working on the document for the 2021-22 school year. As always, we need and value input from all our stakeholders as we make plans on how to best support our students and prepare them for their futures. Your input will be calibrated with other input and student data to determine what will be included in the LCAP. Your answers will remain anonymous.


You can click on the link below to take the LCAP survey. It can also be reached by visiting our homepage at and scrolling down to the stories at the bottom of the page and finding the purple LCAP story tab. The link for the survey can be found there too. It is also under the About Us tab and under the LCAP/Budget tab. A copy of the current LCAP can also be found under that tab.


Please feel free to share the information.